Bank of Baroda Recruitment-2015 -219 post of Peon / Sweeper Cum Peon
Bank of Baroda Recruitment-2015 -219 post of Peon, Sweeper Cum Peon
Total No. of Posts: 219
Name of the Post:
Age Limit : 18 to 26 as on 01.11.2015
Educational Qualification :
Selection Process : See Advt.
Important Dates:
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Bank of Baroda invites online applications for filling up -219- vacancies for Full Time Subordinate Staff (Peon) and Full Time Sweeper-cum-Peon in Subordinate Cadre at Branches/ Offices in Greater Mumbai Zone i.e. branches/ Offices in the districts of Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Thane, Palghar and Raigad. The details of the vacancies are as under:
Vacancy Details Bank Of Baroda
Name of the Post:
- Peon :-2
- Sweeper Cum Peon : 217
Age Limit : 18 to 26 as on 01.11.2015
Educational Qualification :
Minimum : Matriculation / 10th Standard pass or equivalent.
The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Certificate that he/ she is a matriculate/ 10th standard pass on the day he / she registers and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in each exam/ course while registering online.
Knowledge of Marathi language (Speak, Read and Write) is essential.
Ex-Servicemen who do not possess the above civil examination qualifications should be matriculate Ex-Servicemen who have obtained the Army Special Certificate of Education or corresponding certificate in the Navy or Air Force after having completed not less than 15 years of service in the Armed Forces of the Union. Such certificates should be dated on or before 01.11.2015.
The Bank may, if necessary, conduct a written test depending upon the number of candidates, followed by interview. Otherwise, the mode of selection would be interview only.
List of Documents to be produced at the time of interview (as applicable)
The following documents in original and self attested photocopies in support of the candidate’s eligibility and identity are to be invariably submitted at the time of interview failing which the candidate may not be permitted to appear for the interview. Non submission of requisite documents by the candidate at the time of interview will debar his candidature from further participation in the recruitment process.
- (i) Printout of the valid Interview Call Letter
- (ii) Valid system generated printout of the online application form
- (iii) Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Municipal Authorities or SSLC/ Std. X Certificate with DOB)
- (iv) Photo Identity Proof as indicated in Point C ( below) of the advertisement
- (v) Mark-sheets & certificates for all educational qualifications etc.
- (vi) Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by Government of India in the case of SC / ST / OBC category candidates.In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate should specifically contain a clause that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer section excluded from the benefits of reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil post & services under Government of India. OBC caste certificate containing the Non-creamy layer clause should be valid as on the date of interview, if called for (issued within one year prior to the date of interview, if called for).Caste Name mentioned in certificate should tally letter by letter with Central Government list /notification.Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under creamy layer and/ or if their caste does not find place in the Central List are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as General in the online application form.
- (vii) Disability certificate in prescribed format issued by the District Medical Board in case of Persons With Disability category
- (viii) Candidates serving in Government / quasi govt offices/ Public Sector Undertakings (including Nationalised Banks and Financial Institutions) are required to produce a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered and travelling expenses, if any, otherwise admissible, will not be paid. Production of such conditional NOCs at the time of interview will not be considered and such candidates will not be permitted to participate in interview/will not be considered for further selection process.
- (ix) Experience Certificate, if any.
- (x) Any other relevant documents in support of eligibility.
Note:- Candidates will not be allowed to appear for the interview if he/ she fails to produce therelevant eligibility documents as mentioned above.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9560 – Rs.18545 pm (Plus DA, HRA etc. as applicable from time to time)
Selection Process : See Advt.
How to Apply : Candidates can apply online only from 26.11.2015 to 15.12.2015 and no other mode of application will be accepted.
- Candidates will have to invariably produce and submit the requisite documents such as valid call letter, a photocopy of photo-identity proof bearing the same name as it appears on the online submitted application form etc. at the time of interview.
- Before applying, the candidates should ensure that they fulfil the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Candidates are therefore advised to carefully read this advertisement and follow all the instructions given for submitting online application.
- A Candidate’s shortlisting for written test/ interview/ both and subsequent processes is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s) has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/ her candidature has been finally cleared by the Bank. Bank would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). If any of these shortcomings is/are detected after appointment in Bank, his/her services are liable to be summarily terminated.
- Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of interview, verification etc. and any other matter relating to the recruitment process will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Bank in this behalf.
- Not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In case of multiple Applications only the latest valid (completed) application will be retained.
- Online applications once registered will not be allowed to be withdrawn.
- Any dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Mumbai.
- Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
- Any request for change of address, details mentioned in the online application form will not be entertained.
- In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on Bank’s website shall prevail.
- A candidate should ensure that the signatures appended by him/her in all the places viz. in his/her call letter, attendance sheet etc. and in all correspondence with the Bank in future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.
- A recent, recognizable photograph should be uploaded by the candidate in the online application form and the candidate should ensure that copies of the same are retained for use at various stages of the process. Candidates are also advised not to change their appearance till the process is completed. Failure to produce the same photograph at various stages of the process or doubt about identity at any stage could lead to disqualification.
- Candidates will have to appear for the interview at their own expense. However, eligible outstation SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities category candidates called for interview will be paid II class to & fro railway/ bus fare or actual expenses incurred, whichever is less, by shortest route on production of proof of travel (rail/ bus ticket etc.). The above concession will not be admissible to SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities category candidates who are already in service in Central / State Government, Corporations, Public Undertakings / Local Government, Institutions and Panchayats etc.
- Appointment of candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit, as per any other requirements of the Bank and subject to service and conduct rules of the Bank.
- Bank reserves the right to change (cancel/ modify/ add) any of the criteria, method of selection.
- Intimations will be sent by email and/ or sms only to the email ID and mobile number registered in the online application form. Bank shall not be responsible if the information/ intimations do not reach candidates in case of change in the mobile number, email address, technical fault or otherwise, beyond the control of the Bank and candidates are advised to keep a close watch on the authorised Bank’s website for latest updates.
- With regard to any query the candidate may email us at No telephone query will be entertained
- Starting Date of Online Application : 26/11/2015.
- Last Date of Online Application : 15/12/2015.
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply and other, click on the following link…
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ReplyDeleteBank of Baroda is going to conduct examination for the post of PO/ Team Leader & Sales Manager. Download Here Bank of Baroda Admit Card 2018.
ReplyDeleteBank of Baroda Admit Card 2018 Download for BOB PO & BFSL Exam. BOB Call Letter will release on 18.07.2018. Check By App. No. & DOB.