Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd. Hyderabad Recruitment for the post of 4 Crane Operator
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd. Hyderabad Recruitment for the post of 4 Crane Operator
(A Government of India Enterprise) (A Mini Ratna-I Company)
Regd. Office: P.O. Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad-500058.
Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post : Crane Operator
Total No. of Posts : 04
Age Limit : 35
Educational Requirement : SSC or ITI + NAC or equivalent with minimum of 5 years relevant post qualification experience.
Desirable Qualification : Knowledge of handling Overhead Cranes, Safety Procedures, Mechanical Systems, Structural Components, Hoist Systems, Electrical, Hydraulic and Air Systems.
General Information :
I. Only Indian Nationals may apply.
II. Age, Qualification & experience stipulated above should be as on date of advt.
III. The Upper age limit indicated above is for unreserved category. Age relaxation is applicable in accordance with the Govt. of India’s orders issued from time to time.
IV. Management reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates. Candidates applying for multiple positions have to make separate payments for each of the positions.
V. Last date for receipt of applications will be 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
Interested & eligible candidates may download the application form from our website www.midhani.gov.in duly indicating:
(i) Post applied for
(ii) Advertisement No.
(iii) Name in Full (in block letters)
(iv) Date & Place of Birth
(v) Nationality
(vi) Name of Parent/Spouse
(vii) Category (SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/Children/Family members of those who died in the year 1984 Riots)
(viii) Address for correspondence (in block Letters)
(ix) Permanent Address Educational/Professional qualification (indicating clearly the examination passed, subjects, percentage of marks, year of passing, name of the Institute/University)
(x) Details of previous/present employment held chronological order starting from present position backwards (indicating the name of the employer with full address, post held, scale of pay, salary drawn, period of service, nature of duties
(xi) If selected, minimum time required to join the post
(xii) Residential telephone No. / Cell No./ e-mail
(xiii) Any other information you wish to add including two references and a declaration to the effect that the information given in the application is true and correct or else candidature is liable to be terminated
(xiv) The completed application form with the signature of the candidate with date, enclosing copies of certificates in support of date of birth, qualification, experience, category etc. affixing a passport size photograph on the top right side of application, along with a D.D. for Rs.100/- (SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/PWD candidates are exempted from application fee) drawn in favour of “Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, payable at Hyderabad,’ on any Scheduled bank should reach the Addl. Genl. Manager (HR) at the above address within 15 days from the date of this publication. Applicants from Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU should submit their applications through proper channel or No Objection Certificate at the time of interview. Outstation candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to & fro III AC train fare. Acceptance or rejection of application of the candidates will be at the sole discretion of Management. Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.
Read More Recruitment Advt.
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