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Melania Trump appears solo at GOP fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago

Melania Trump appears solo at GOP fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago


First lady Melania Trump made an appearance at a Republican fundraiser in Florida on Friday evening while President Trump remained in Washington, according to the Palm Beach Post.

The annual fundraiser for the Palm Beach County GOP was held at Mar-a-Lago, the president's private estate where he has spent the weekend on multiple occasions since becoming commander-in-chief.
The county GOP chairman, Michael Barnett, rented Trump's ballroom for $150,000 for the dinner, which drew nearly 700 people who paid $300 and up, according to the report.

Melania Trump appeared briefly at a VIP reception before the dinner, where Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) and other state officials reportedly spoke.

Trump is holding Saturday meetings at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia, according to pool reports.

Source'- The Hill

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