Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) Recruitment for the post of Store and Purchase Officer
(An Autonomous Body under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
(An Autonomous Body under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) is an autonomous academic national institution of the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India dedicated to research in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Allied Sciences & Technology. The Institute has its main campus in Koramangala, Bangalore and CREST Campus at Hosakote, Bangalore. It operates field stations at Kavalur & Kodaikanal in Tamilnadu, Gauribidanur in Karnataka, and Leh/Hanle in Jammu & Kashmir.
Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following position on direct recruitment / deputation to work at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Main Campus, Bangalore (Karnataka).
Vacancy Details:Name of the Post : STORES AND PURCHASE OFFICER
Age Limit : 45
Pay Scale : Pay Band 3 Rs. Rs.15600-39100 plus grade Pay Rs. 5400/
Place of work : IIA, Koramangala, Bengaluru
Educational Qualification :
For Deputation :
Essential : Bachelor’s degree in Arts / Science / Commerce /B.E/B.Tech or equivalent from a recognized University with minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate with experience in handling Stores & Purchase as under:
The candidates holding analogous post or equivalent with ten years combined regular service in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 in PB 2 with GP of Rs.4200/- and Rs.4600/-,of which at least 04 years in the Grade pay of Rs.4600/- or equivalent in a Central/State Govt. Department / Institution / Research Institute / University
For Direct Recruitment : 10 years relevant working experience combined in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 in PB 2 with GP of Rs.4200/- and Rs.4600/-, of which at least 04 years in the Grade pay of Rs.4600/- or equivalent in a Central/State Govt. Department / Institution / Research Institute / University / reputed Institutions.
Desirable : Thorough knowledge of Govt. rules & Regulations, Computer application / Management Information System, post-graduate diploma / degree in material management, awareness of working requirement etc., of scientific/technological/academic Institutions/organizations
Job Requirements : In-charge of Stores & Purchase Section; holding the responsibility of procurement, supply and maintenance of indigenous and imported stores/services; formulation of purchase/maintenance of contracts; price negotiation; inventory management; physical stock verification, general administration of stores; time bound and efficient execution of assignments as per standard purchase procedures and provisions of the Government of India/Autonomous Institutes of Central Government, as required by the Institute from time to time. To carry out any other work of Institute, as and when assigned.
General Candition :
1. The above post carry allowances as admissible under Central Government Rules. Selected candidate will be on probation for a period of two years and will be continued on regular appointment subject to satisfactory performance during the probationary period.
2. The appointee is liable for transfer to any of the Institute’s field stations and locations.
3. Age relaxation is permissible to SC/ST & OBC candidates and also to physically handicapped candidates as notified by Govt. of India from time to time.
4. Reservation policy will be as per Government of India rules. The candidates are required to attach valid latest caste certificate as per guidelines prescribed by the Government of India.
5. Departmental candidates / Government Servants are eligible for age relaxation as per Rules.
6. Candidates already employed in Government / Autonomous Institutions / Semi Government Institutions / Corporations / Banks etc., may forward a copy of their applications through proper channel by post after successful registration of application through online.
7. The date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and experience shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of completed application.
8. Where the number of applications received in response to the Advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible for the IIA to interview all those candidates, IIA has the right to limit the candidates to be called for interview on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the Advertisement.
9. The process of selection may include test / interview or as to be decided by the Selection Committee.
10. In case of application for recruitment on deputation basis, Applicant may register the application through online and forward a copy of the application downloaded from the website through proper channel along with the required documents and certificates. The parent institutions are required to enclose photocopies of the ACRs of the individuals for the last five years, duly attested by Head of Office together with a certificate to the effect that the Officer is clear from Vigilance angle and there is no disciplinary case pending or contemplated against him/her while forwarding the application. Period of deputation will be initially for 3 years and extendable for another two years on yearly basis.
11. In case a candidate wishes to apply both for direct recruitment and deputation basis, he /she shall have to apply separately.
12. Outstation Candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to and fro train/bus fare by the shortest route limited to 3 AC sleeper class railway fare on production of original tickets.
13. No correspondence will be entertained with the candidates not selected for interview/appointment. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
14. The Institute reserves the right to recruit or cancel the entire recruitment process for any or all the posts at any time without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
15. Candidates meeting the above requirements and willing to apply for the position may submit application ‘through online only’.
16. Departmental Candidates / Govt. servants willing to apply for the above position on direct recruitment / deputation may forward their copy of application through proper channel as stated above. Envelope containing the application must be superscribed with ‘Application for the post of Stores & Purchase Officer’ (under direct recruitment / deputation basis) (whichever is applied for should be clearly mentioned.) so as to reach to the Administrative Officer, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Sarjapur Road, 2nd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560 034 on or before last date for receipt of application. Applications received after expiry of the last date or otherwise found incomplete (and without ACRs / No-objection Certificate / Vigilance Clearance Certificate in case of applications for recruitment on deputation basis), will not be entertained. 17. Candidates of Indian Nationality can only apply for the post.
18. The last date for receipt of application is 30th November, 2015.
Read more Recruitment Advt.
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