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Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) Bengaluru Recruitment for the post of Project Engineer

(An Autonomous Body under Department of Science & Technology,
Government of India)
Koramangala, Bengaluru - 560034

The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) is an autonomous academic national institution of the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India dedicated to research in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Allied Sciences & Technology. The Institute has its main campus in Koramangala, Bengaluru and CREST Campus at Hosakote, Bengaluru. It operates field stations at Kavalur & Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu, Gauribidanur in Karnataka, and Leh/Hanle, Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir.

India has joined the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project, the next generation astronomical observatory that will be located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. India’s participation in the TMT project, led by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bengaluru, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune and Aryabhatta Research Institute for Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital is coordinated by the India TMT Coordination Center (ITCC) hosted at IIA, Bengaluru. The TMT project is an international partnership between CalTech, Universities of California, Canada, Japan, China and India. More details about the project may be obtained from http://tmt.iiap.res.in

Observatory Software (OSW) development is a shared work package between the ITCC and the Project Office (PO) at Pasadena, CA, USA. The OSW effort provides a wide range of critical configuration-controlled software for observatory operations, including science operations support software and the software infrastructure that integrates and controls all telescope and instrument systems. Science operations software includes proposal and observation planning tools, observation execution and visualization software, data handling and management, telescope-control and instrument-observing user interfaces. The software infrastructure includes the common operations software shared across all systems and the development of all observation execution sequences. In this connection, we require a Software Professional who would work in the ITCC-OSW team at IIA, in close association with the team at the TMT-PO. Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following position to work in the India-TMT Project:

Vacancy Details:

Name of the Post Project Engineer (Software)

Total No. of Posts : 2

Age Limit : 32

Pay Scale : Rs. 23,000/- + applicable HRA (per month)

Place of work : IIA, Koramangala, Bengaluru

Educational Qualification : B.E/B.Tech (in CS/IT, E&C, E&E, Mechanical or allied fields) or equivalent with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or equivalent grade) from a reputed, recognized University/Institution.

Experience :  
Candidate should have a minimum experience of 1 year in software development/testing.

Job Requirement : Knowledge of JVM languages and software design are essential. Must be proficient in Java programming and should have experience in scala programming. Must be familiar with Unix/Linux platform and database technologies. Strong problem solving and learning abilities in addition to basic programming language knowledge is required. Familiarity with toolkits such as akka, and scripting languages such as python will be an additional benefit for the project. 

Terms & Candition :
1) The appointment is purely on contract basis and does not confer privilege or benefit applicable to regular employees. No claim whatsoever for regular employment in the Institute shall be entertained.

2) The tenure of appointment is initially for one year, may last till the duration of project and will co-terminate with the project completion. Continuation of contract appointment is subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate on a yearly review by a committee, appointed by the Programme Director / Director.

3) There will be annual increments on monthly remuneration @ 3% of the basic remuneration.

4) The date of determining the upper age limit, qualifications and experience shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of completed applications.

5) Age relaxation is permissible to SC, ST & OBC candidates and also to physically handicapped candidates as notified by Govt. of India from time to time.

6) Outstation candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to and fro train/ bus fare by the  shortest route limited to second sleeper class railway fare on production of tickets.

7) The prescribed educational qualifications are minimum required and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where the number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Institute to interview all those candidates, the Institute reserves the right to limit no. of candidates to be called for interview on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.

8) Candidates of Indian Nationality can only apply for this post.

9) The Institute reserves the right to cancel the entire recruitment process at any time without  assigning any reasons whatsoever.

10) No correspondence will be entertained with the candidates not selected for interview /  appointment. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

11) Candidates meeting the above requirements and willing to be considered for the above said position may submit application through online only

How to Apply : Candidates meeting the above requirements and willing to be considered for the above said position may submit application through online only.

Last Date : 10 December, 2015

Read more Recruitment Advt.

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