Mumbai Port Trust Recruitment for the post of Chief Law Officer
Port House, 2nd floor, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai- 400001
Mumbai Port Trust Chief Law Officer Recruitment 2015-2016 (Latest Govt Job) : Mumbai Port Trust Jobs 2015,Candidates, Mumbai Port Trust announced recruitment notification for the Chief Law Officer.s. Eligible candidates can fill there application as per the guidelines of Mumbai Port Trust.
Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post : Chief Law Officer
Total No. of Posts : 01
Age Limit : As on 01.10.2015, 42 Years
Educational Qualification:
Essential :- (i) Degree in Law from a recognized University.
Experience : Twelve years’ executive experience in a Legal Establishment of an Industrial/Commercial/Govt. Undertaking.
Desirable Qualification : Post Graduate degree in Law from a recognized University
Pay Scale : Rs 32900-3%- 58000 (pre-revised Rs.16000- 20800)
General Condition :
1. While there is no reservation, SC/ST/OBC candidates may apply, but will not be eligible for any relaxation. However, SC/ST candidates called for written test/interview are eligible for Travelling Allowance as admissible on production of original bus/train ticket.
2. Crucial date for determining eligibility is 1.10.2015.
3. Selection will be through a competitive written examination and/or personal interview.
4. Selected candidate will have to undergo medical examination at the MbPT hospital for fitness.
5. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications will not vest any right upon the candidate for being called for written test/interview. Similarly, mere submission of application does not confer any right on the candidate for being called for written test/interview. No correspondence will be entertained in this respect and interim enquiry will not be attended to.
6. Depending upon the response, the administration reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for the written test/interview.
7. Wrong declarations/submission of false information or any other action contrary to the law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
8. Applicants, if selected, will not be permitted to withdraw candidature at a later date.
Remuneration :
1. Benefits admissible include DA on IDA pattern (2001 series) on the basic pay and other allowances totaling to 156 % of Basic Pay. Gross remuneration at the minimum is about Rs 84224/- plus HRA at 30% of Basic Pay in case not residing in Port’s accommodation. Other benefits include leave, leave encashment once a year, medical aid for self and family, etc. as per the Port Trust regulations.
2. Selected candidates will be governed by the New Contributory Pension Scheme.
Selection Process : Selection will be through a competitive written examination and/or personal interview.
How to Apply:
1. Applications may be submitted in the PRESCRIBED FORMAT given below as Annexure ‘A’.
2. Applications complete in all respects along with documents specified may be forwarded in envelope superscribed “Application for the post of Chief Law Officer” and addressed to Shri P.K.Gopi, Sr.Asstt.Secretary, Human Resources Section, General Administration Department, Mumbai Port Trust, Port House, 2nd floor, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai- 400001, who can also be contacted on telephone No. 022-66564099 for any details/clarifications. Applications should reach not later than 30.11.2015.
3. The application should be accompanied by the following :
- Self-attested copies of certificates in support of age, educational qualifications and experience.
- Self-attested copy of Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates).
4. Persons in service of Government/Semi-Government Organizations/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies must apply through proper channel along with vigilance clearance and certificate that no disciplinary case is pending or contemplated against them and No Objection Certificate for release in case of selection.
5. Applications incomplete in any respect or received after the last date will not be entertained.
Last Date : 30.11.2015.
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply and other, click on the following link…
To view official website: Click here
Recruitment Advt.
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