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Ganga is now legally a person! Uttarakhand HC recognizes River Ganga as first living entity of India

Ganga is now legally a person! Uttarakhand HC recognizes River Ganga as first living entity of India

A similar ruling was passed out in New Zealand when their parliament passed a bill declaring 145km long Whanganui River as a living entity.
Most of the millennial grown up in the Hindu Indian households have seen River Ganga as goddess like figure in mythological serials. Well, on March 20, Uttarakhand High Court legally recognized Ganga River as a person. The Ganges has been recognized as India’s first living entity, in a landmark ruling by the Uttarakhand High Court. One of the largest rivers in India, River Ganges is considered to be the holiest and holds a high place in the mythology of India.
High Court has directed the Centre to recognize River Ganga and River Yamuna as living entities of India. The court also ruled the government to form a Ganga Administration Board for cleaning and better maintenance of the most important and scared river of the country.

Earlier in the month, the Uttarakhand high court came heavily down upon the Union and Uttarakhand state government for doing “nothing concrete” to clean the Ganga River. The HC slammed them for wasting efforts on reviving a lost River Saraswati but not taking efforts on maintaining the River Ganga which if given proper attention will once again flow in its full glory. They noticed a lot of effort was going into tracing the “invisible” Sarawasti River but the visible river was getting no attention. “The Ganga should be saved for the generations to come,” the court added.

A similar ruling was passed out in New Zealand when their parliament passed a bill declaring 145km long Whanganui River as a living entity. The river became the first in the world to be legally recognised as a living entity and was granted the same rights as a human being. Well, River Ganga of India joins the coveted list of rivers given the same rights as of a human.

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